2022-10-03 Isaac Ferguson

Navigating Child Care Subsidies – Avocado User Group

As Canadian organizations adapt to offer $10 a day childcare subsidies, families across the country are excited to reap the benefits of more affordable care. Is your organization ready to welcome them?

Avocado is a customizable, modular member management solution that makes navigating policy changes a breeze for your child care team. Registration Rollover can be activated to easily roll members over from one program to the next while automatically billing them and accounting for any subsidies and third party payers attached to their registration. 

Our tablet friendly member management app Engage allows your front end staff to easily check in members on an iPad and charge them automatically based on attendance, keeping check in time easy while ensuring accurate accounting records. 

Finally, Avocado leverages Salesforce’s industry leading reporting functionality to provide detailed records of childcare attendance & engagement.

We welcomed users from the Avocado Community to speak in our user group in July to tell us more about their steps towards meeting new standards for subsidized child care at their organizations. We saw perspectives from both Albertan and Ontarian Avocado users for a glimpse into how each province’s policy changes affected their organizations. 

watch a recap of our roundtable discussion about child care subsidies and how Avocado helps organizations keep up to date with new policy changes.

For more events, demonstrations, and live discussions like these, join us in the Avocado User Group on MeetUp! 

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About the Author

Isaac Ferguson Isaac is a Sales & Marketing expert with years of experience in digital media. As Sales & Marketing Assistant at TechShare, Isaac loves the opportunity to connect with new people and get to know their business needs.